Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay Discussion of aim of education is a function of the philosophy of education or educational theory. The aim of education in the fullest and deepest sense of the word is in keeping with the nature of the human personality or human nature. Human nature is defined in terms of the cultivation and development of perceptive intelligence based on experience i. e. creative intelligence. Creative intelligence or intuition combines reason of understanding with wisdom of compassion depends on human awakening or enlightenment. aim of education is to cultivate creative intelligence required for adaptation to changes in the social environment i. e. adaptability. Life is very complex and complicated. But an aim in life can make the complex life simple and purposeful. Aims give us direction to work and without aim, destination, or objective life becomes incomplete and haphazard. Individual has different interests, attitudes and needs. Every individual wants to achieve certain goals in life. But a clear-cut aim makes the road of life easy. Educational aims are varied. They have their different role in different fields. Some specific aims are listed below: (i) Knowledge Aim: The aim of education is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. It helps to adjust properly in one’s own environment. Knowledge helps the man to overcome the nature and satisfy human wants. It links the teacher and taught with social situation. It helps with certain skills to live in a society as human being and civilized one. Philosophers and educationists of the world believe in knowledge. It is the valuable asset of life, which helps the individual to overcome misery and problems of life. (ii) Vocational Aim: Knowledge aim of education is narrow by nature. The theoretical knowledge will never meet our basic needs of life. We need bread and butter to fill up our belly. We can get it if education is vocationalised. Gandhiji realized it in 1937 when he introduced Basic Education. Vocational aim develops the social efficiency of the individual. It reduces mental tension after completion of education. Those who are lower, intelligence in vocational education or training are a blessing for them. Realizing this aspect. Indian Education Commission (1964-66) introduces work-experience in the curriculum. (iii) Character Building Aim: The Indian concept of education believes in self-realization. Self-realization is possible through moral education. So the individual should cultivate moral virtues or values which constitute character. Swami Vivekananda said, â€Å"We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. † (iv) Complete-Living Aim: The individual has various aspects to be developed. Every aspect of the personality is reflected in various activities to be performed. Education should help the individual to fulfill the various needs and necessities of life like self-preservation, fulfilling necessities of life, rearing and bearing of children, performing civic responsibilities and utilizing his leisure time properly. Firstly, the individual must know the art of self-preservation. Secondly, education should enable to him to earn his living. Thirdly, he should know how to take care of his own children. Lastly, he must have the idea how to utilize the leisure hours properly in a profiting manner. (v) Harmonious: Development of the personality aim- Gandhiji said, â€Å"By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit. † The meaning itself indicates to develop all-round aspects of individual-physical, intellectual, social and spiritual. All these aspects of the individual should be harmoniously developed. True education is development of 3H’s instead of 3R’s. The development of Head, Heart and hand of an individual makes him happy. (vi) Democratic Aim of Education: One of the important aims and objective of education suggested by Secondary Education Commission (1952-54) is to develop the democratic citizenship. India is a democratic country. Even citizen must have to realize the duties and responsibilities carefully. So the aim of education is to train carefully the future citizens. Training should be provided to develop the following qualities of the individual. (i) Capacity for clear thinking (ii) Receptivity of new idea (iii) Clarity in speech and writing (iv) True patriotism Further the democratic aim of education develop vocational efficiency, personality and leadership quality. Indian Education Commission (1964-66) under the chairmanship of Dr. D. S. Kothari suggested the following as the aims of education in a democratic set-up. (i) Increasing productivity (ii) Developing social and national integrity (iii) Making education modernized and (iv) Cultivating of social, moral and spiritual values. Each individual teacher has an opinion about what the aim of education should be, not only in their own classroom but also in school in general. Many issues occur when differing opinions about the purpose of education collide. It is important to recognize that other people, including many of your coworkers, administrators, and your students parents might have a different point of view concerning what education should be all about. Following is a list of different aims of education that individuals might espouse. 1. Knowledge to Get By. This old school belief holds that school is important in providing students with the knowledge they need to get by in their day-to-day lives. They need to know how to read, write, and do arithmetic. Even though these core topics form the foundation of a students education, most educators today would probably not agree that this should be the extent of a students school career. 2. Knowledge of Subject Matter Being Taught The purpose of education to some teachers is to impart knowledge about the subject matter they are teaching without much thought to other classes. When taken to the extreme, these teachers focus on their own subject matter as being more important than what students are learning in other classes. For example, teachers who are unwilling to compromise their own subject matter for the good of the students can cause problems for the school at large. When the school I taught at tried to implement senior projects, we got push back from a couple of teachers who were not willing to change their lessons to include cross curricular activities. 3. Desire to Create Thoughtful Citizens. This might be considered another old school belief. However, this is held by many individuals, especially within the larger community. Students will some day be a part of a community and need the skills and mores to exist within that society as thoughtful citizens. For example, they will need to be able to vote in presidential elections. 4. To Gain Self Esteem and Confidence While the self esteem movement often gets ridiculed, we do want our students to feel confident about their learning abilities. The problem comes in with inflated self esteem not based on reality. However, this is often cited as an aim of the educational system. 5. To Learn How to Learn Learning how to learn is one of the key elements of education. Schools need to teach students how to find information they will need once they leave school. Therefore, the specific subject matter being taught is not as important for future personal success as is the ability for students to understand how to find answers for any questions and problems that might arise. 6. Lifelong Habits for Work. Many of the lessons that schools teach are necessary for success in their students future lives. As adults, they will need to be able to get to work on time, dress and behave appropriately, and get their work done in a timely manner. These lessons are reinforced on a daily basis in schools around the nation. Some individuals see this as one of the main reasons for sending students to school. 7. To Teach Students How to Live Finally, some individuals look at school in a more holistic manner. They see it as the means towards right living for the rest of their lives. Not only do students learn information in their individual subjects, but they also learn life lessons in and out of class. As previously explained, proper work etiquette is reinforced in the classroom. Further, students have to learn how to deal with others in a cooperative manner. Finally, they learn about how to learn information they might need in the future. In fact, one of the things that many business leaders cite as being necessary for future workers is the ability to work as part of a team and problem solve.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Rattle Bone :: essays research papers

Pieces of a Novel Puzzle “A novel or a collection of short stories?'; may be a question that a critic asks about Rattlebone. Maxine Clair portrays both arguments with her energetic writing style. A blend of random comments and many unique phrases intermix with the intense plot. Writing like this gives the reader a more relaxed state and the book seems more alive and real. In answer to the critique question, Maxine Clair is writing a novel because of an abundant supply of foreshadowing, a collection of narrators, a recurrence of characters, and a process commonly known to man as aging. Suggesting that Rattlebone is in fact a novel, foreshadowing occurred in several places during the book. Clair uses this writing method by mentioning the name October Brown, partly because Brown is involved at the beginning and towards the end of the book. Ms. Brown became an important part of Irene’s life, not only by being one of the main reasons for her parents’ divorce, but also by helping Irene accomplish one of her goals. The time that occurred between these two events in the book connects Rattlebone and is a very good use of foreshadowing. Another example of Clair’s use of this writing method is the experience of the divorce between Irene’s parents. This long-term process displayed Irene’s parents as being unforgiving. At first his wife forgives James Wilson for the affair that he enjoyed with October Brown, but after a period of time, Pearl also had her share of the fall in their relationship. At this time, neither one of Irene’s parents wo uld forgive the other nor make up with the other. This example again shows the use of foreshadowing by Clair by evolving the event over several chapters with different narrators. Irene, the narrator in several different stages of the divorce between her parents, speaks her feelings of disgust and always tries to keep her parents’ relationship together. Another side of the story comes from October Brown’s landlord, Mrs. Pemberton. Mrs. Pemberton wants nothing to do with the affair and therefor tries to separate the two lovers. Irene takes the stage again and reveals to the reader subconsciously, that her father is the man having the affair. The use of two narrators, each having a different look at the situation, may seem confusing to the reader at first, but once the chapters are all read and the whole story gets across, it becomes apparent why the change in narration was necessary.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Othello study question

There are three mall reasons for why Ago hates Othello. The first being that Ago deeply believes that there used to be an affair between his wife Email and Othello. While there is no actual evidence to support the affair, the fact that Ago believes it happened supports the fact that he is very paranoid and might be searching for reasons to hate Othello. The second is that Othello denied Ago a promotion he believes he very much deserved.The fact that Othello gives the promotion to Cassia is what leads Ago to take out revenge on both. The third (and most obvious reason to me) Is the simple fact that Othello Is a Moor (black) and Ago Is angry act the fact Othello has authority over him and is praised by the other characters. On line 1. 3. 322, Ago meant that we get to choose who we want to be and that whatever we nurture becomes our nature. Ago chose to warn Othello because he is two-faced and wants to remain on Othello side just long enough to take him down. . Line 1. 2. 60, spoken by Othello, means that neither Barbarian or Ordering had ever drawn there swords before. Othello is mocking them because they are both inexperienced and are pulling out shiny new swords against a great warrior. Act 2 1 . Ago (who we all know to be a sexist by now) Is very cynical towards females and views them all as meaningless. We can tell from way he treats his wife that he Is unappreciative of women. He Is also very critical and engrave towards all women, believing them to be nothing but deceptive.On line Ago describes women as being â€Å"pictures out of doors, bells in your parlors, wildcats in your kitchens, saints in your injuries, devils being offended, Players in your housewife, and housewives in your beds† (all deceptive and unfaithful creatures). . Shakespeare reveals Sago's true character through soliloquies because they give Ago a chance to actually be honest outside of his deceptive character in the main story.This is where the dramatic irony of the drama comes fr om. Sago's soliloquies also further the motif of the contrast between light and darkness (Ago revealing in his soliloquies the darkness of his heart matches the darkness of Othello skin, making them opposites Inside and out and how most of lagans evil plans are set Into motion at night, the physical representation of Sago's Inner personality). All of this

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act - 1605 Words

Joseph Meadowcroft Research Essay Composition 1 Childhood Abuse Every child will certainly have many life experiences before they are mature. A child is very susceptible when developing, at every corner there are dangerous things from the environment surrounding them which might seriously impact their entire life. As definition in the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Child abuse is any action from adult to a child that could be harmful to the child’s body or mental state (kidsmatter). In 2012, they were a reported 3.6 million investigations by Child Protective Services agency’s involving more than 6 million kids. In the U.S, an estimated 899,000 children (24.97%) were recognized to be targets of child abuse (childhelp).†¦show more content†¦Besides these issues, child abuse also has dangerous impacts to other parts of the kid’s life, for example: behavior effects, physical effects and emotional effects (Corby-Brian 12). This paper will discuss about the causes, and bad impacts of child abuse as well as provide suggestions to help the victims. It is completely surprising to know that one of the causes is due to the child’s parents. Actually, if either of the kid’s dad or mom falls into an abusing condition such as alcohol or drugs, these children will not be able to be given proper attention to develop as a normal child. With adult substance abuse the child could be neglected or beaten lacking any guilt. Based on the report from the Department of Health and Human Services, in 2012, approximately 81.3% abused child cases were made by at least one of the child’s parents (kidsmatter). There was a story about a twelve-year old girl, named Joan, who had experienced extreme neglect during her younger years by her parents. It was so bad that she needed to be sent to a treatment center to help build her back up psychologically. Even After over a year of receiving treatment at the Center Joan has still not recovered completely and her parents lost their daughter to social services (Higgins, Martina 22). Next source of child abuse comes from the ecological causes. Certainly, a family in poverty situations has always struggled with serious problems in finance. Therefore, children starting