Wednesday, December 11, 2019

radiology anatomy Example For Students

radiology anatomy external oblique ridge alveolar ridge mylohyoid ridge (superimposed over the superior border of the mandibular canal) mandibular canal (inferior alveolar canal) inferior border of mandible mental foramen radiopaque line lamina dura (radiopaque line in the root, called the follicular cortication when it is in the crown) mandibular tori (radiopacity superimposed over the roots in the canine region) genial tubercle (bony projection for muscle attachment) nutrient canals (located in posterior and anterior, but hard to see in posterior bcuz of thick bone) term for the opening of this canal nutrient foramen mental fossa (radiolucent depression between alveolar ridge and mental ridge) mental ridge (chin) L hamular process maxillary tuberosity anatomical hamular notch (bone. dont forget the clinical hamular notch, which is soft tissue) L zygomatic process of maxilla M Floor of maxillary sinus 6 zygomatic arch (pretty sure) septum (septum in the maxillary sinus) floor of nasal fossa Mx premolar landmark radiograph inverted Y-line (made by the nasal fossa and maxillary sinus) not a good picture. But this is the landmark in the mx premolar region that is formed by this soft tissue/cheek mass nasolabial fold anterior nasal spine floor of nasal cavity (extends bilaterally away from the anterior nasal spine) incisive foramen nasopalatine canal (terminates in incisive foramen, not always seen) superior foramina of nasopalatine (on each side of nasal septum) nasal septum small white arrows nasal turbinate (pretty unsure about difference between this and the inferior concha) red arrow on the right nasal mucosa intermaxillary suture (variation of normal, not always seen) soft tissue outline of nose nasal turbinate A inferior concha N coronoid process

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